Campers’ Work


My writers learn how to take their words and voice seriously. I encourage writers to take part in international writing contests. I hope them to hone their work and send it out into the world, to literary magazines, lifestyle magazines, and journals! As a result, some writers have placed their writing in Young Inklings contests, Stone Soup Magazine, various women’s writing contests, sports writing magazines, and more!


Food Writing

Hello, hello, hello! I am the author who wrote this piece. Today, I’d like to share with you three things that you might not know about this piece. Ok, here we goooooooooo:

1) Did you know that at first, I was thinking about writing about my favourite, absolute favourite place for a sweet treat: Gelateria Marghera, or something like that. It is an amazing place for ice cream, gelatoes, cakes, ice cream cookies and much, much more? Sorry, but Dean and Deluca is not my favourite place for a sweet treat. The only reason I wrote about Dean and Deluca’s apple pie is because I knew many peolpe would be doing ice cream for their project.

2) Did you know that the apple pie at Dean and Deluca actually has nuts? They are only on the top, so you can easily scrape them off with your fork, if you have allergies. If you simply don’t like nuts, you cant’t taste them, and the crunch of the nuts adds good texture. What?? Nuts are good for you…

3)  Did you know that when you order your apple pie, the waitresses or waiters ask you if you would like them to heat up your apple pie for you? I recommend taking the warmed-up apple pie, because the pastry and the apple tastes more flavourful, and in some way, more fancy. Maybe this is just me being me, but cold apple pie tastes like something you would take out from a, say, Mac Donalds restaurant. (If they served apple pie, haha:))

Ok, I hope you’ve learnt somethings extra about my piece.

Now go eat the warm apple pie from Dean and Deluca!!!

Goodbyeeeeeeeeee !!!!


Thank you Letter

Another young, talented author wrote this note to express thanks to Dianne Jacob, top food writer, editor, and author. Ms. Jacob listened to our Tokyo Kids Write authors via Zoom and gave us detailed feedback, loads of info and inspiration.